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We are your trusted book publishing experts at Book Publishing Site, specializing in Amazon book publisher services. Your literary journey is in expert hands as we ensure your story reaches its full potential through our book publishing services.


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Book Publishing Site

Having A Hard Time In Giving Words To Your Thoughts?

The essence of writing a book is an idea and without it, there is no book. However, the idea also needs words to be expressed, no matter what the genre is, the idea and words should always be on the same wavelength. If both are on the same wavelength, the book will turn out to be engaging as well as sensible. Do you have an overwhelmingly bright idea developing in your head? Then hire Book Publishing Site Professional Book Writing Services and give your idea a soul.


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Hire our expert book cover designer and book cover illustrators to create eye-catching designs for your book.


A Sneak Peek into Some of Our Recently Published Books

We have successfully published thousands of books of varying scope and genres. Take a look into some of our Recently Published Books on Amazon:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Before contacting us you might want to check whether your question is one of our FAQs.

Book Publishing Site accepts various genres, including fiction (literary, romance, mystery, science fiction, etc.), non-fiction (memoirs, biographies, self-help, history, etc.), young adult, children's books, and more.

We would be thrilled to receive your manuscript! Email is the best way to send it, and our team is eager to get started on your project right away.

Book marketing services promote books to potential readers through various activities such as book reviews, social media marketing, email campaigns, and book trailers. These services help authors and publishers increase book sales and build their brand, ultimately leading to success in the publishing industry.

Yes, social media is a valuable tool for book marketing. Generally, platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads are popular for engaging with readers, while others like LinkedIn may be more suitable for specific genres or professional networking.

Yes, we provide distribution to major online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others, so your book may reach a global audience. At Amazon Book Publishing, we give our authors access to the world's greatest distribution network, allowing them to broaden their readership and have a global impact.

Royalties are a percentage of the book's sales that authors receive as compensation. All the royalties go directly to the author; Book Publishing Site would never ask its author for a percentage in their royalties.